Laptop making high pitched noise
Laptop making high pitched noise

laptop making high pitched noise

There aren't any visible capacitors on the fan, but there's a small chip attached to the fan's casing that might have a capacitor inside-or some other component of the chip could be making the noise.Īnyway, it looks like it would be difficult to replace the fan. I read that sometimes capacitors can cause this. It's quiet when it spins, but when it's NOT spinning it sometimes makes this noise. The weird thing is that it's not the fan's spinning that causes the noise. I cleaned the fan and the whole motherboard with compressed air, with no effect. I opened the computer and used some rubber hose as a stethoscope to find the source, and I'm positive it's coming from the fan (only 1 fan in this slate computer, next to the vent). It usually lasts for 5-10 minutes, then stops. It's a weird sound, and it varies in pitch-almost like music but totally random. It works fine, but I noticed that it starts emitting an irregular, high-pitched noise about 15-20 minutes after turning it on.

Laptop making high pitched noise